About Us

We envision a future where every child in New Orleans can grow up in an environment enriched with care, support, and abundant opportunities. We see a community where all parents and caregivers are fully empowered and equipped to collaborate with service providers to create inclusive, trustworthy, and informed experiences for children, parents and caregivers. Together, we strive to nurture a generation of children who thrive emotionally, socially, and educationally, ensuring a brighter tomorrow for all.

Leadership Team

Benita Cochran

Benita Cochran is a proud mother of two daughters and a seasoned advocate with many years of experience in Parent Leadership and Language Justice through her work with the Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI).  As co-director of the Parent Leadership Collaborative, she leverages her extensive background in empowering parents through advocacy and peer support. Benita has expertly honed her skills in empowering parents through advocacy, firmly rooted in her belief in the transformative impact of collaboration and determination. She holds a B.A. in Political Science from Dillard University and an M.S. in Management from Troy State University.

Sharelle Porter

Sherelle Porter is a stay-at-home mom raising three children–two daughters, one who is in daycare, the other starting pre-k, and a son, who just entered kindergarten and is on the autism spectrum. Sherelle has become a strong advocate for children living with autism, serving on a number of boards including Jefferson Parish Community Action Programs (Jeff Cap) Head Start, and the Superintendent’s Special Education Council for Jefferson Parish. She previously worked for TrainingGrounds as a peer community navigator/outreach and events coordinator, and earned B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Psychology from California State University.

Steering Committe

The PLC Steering Committee is composed of 15 diverse parents and caregivers from across the New Orleans metro area. The committee has guided the individual working groups and has ensured that the PLC remains aligned with its strategic plan, mission and values.

Join the Collaborative

Thank you for your interest in joining the Parent Leadership Collaborative! While we are currently not accepting new members, we encourage you to leave your contact information with us. We will reach out to you as soon as we begin welcoming new participants in early 2025. Your involvement is important to us, and we look forward to collaborating with you to strengthen our community.

Join Now

We want your input

Your feedback is crucial to the success of the Parent Leadership Collaborative! We value your insights and are eager to hear your suggestions and ideas. Please share your thoughts with us via email at noparentleaders@gmail.com to help us continue improving and expanding our impact.

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